Male Fertility test kit
The Male Fertility Test Solution Bottle must be coupled with the Collection Cup to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure. It is essential to mix the semen-solution mixture in the bottle thoroughly before adding it to the test device. Adding an insufficient or excessive amount of semen-solution mixture to the sample well may adversely affect the test's accuracy, and precisely three (3) drops should be added.
It is vital to note that the semen-solution mixture should be added to the sample well, which is a circular aperture on the test device, and not to the results window. The accuracy of the test can be hampered if it is read either too soon or too late, and individuals with poor vision, color blindness, or inadequate lighting may experience difficulties interpreting the results correctly.
Furthermore, it is imperative to make sure that the semen sample is collected between 48 hours and seven (7) days after the last ejaculation to avoid inaccurate results.